Ak Party’s Actions – Edirne
0 1854 0Achievements done for Edirne in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
Ak Party’s Actions : Ordu
0 1068 0Achievements done for Ordu in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
Ak Party’s Actions – ISTANBUL
0 2022 0Achievements done for Istanbul in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
The Prohibition of Headscarf Lifted
0 1359 0The prohibition of Headscarf Lifted. / They talk, Ak Party does.
Ak Party’s Actions – TRABZON
0 1106 0Achievements done for Trabzon in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
Ak Party’s Actions : Istanbul
0 1799 0Achievements done for Istanbul in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus’s Dream Came True
0 1167 0We’re achieving a first in the world. We’re carrying away irrigation and potable water to Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with the pipes 280 metters under the sea. We believe in the new Turkey.
Ak Party’s Actions – ISTANBUL
0 1926 0Achievements done for Istanbul in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/akparti http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart
Campaign Song of Ak Party “Carek Di”
0 2122 0Carek dî Carek dî – Bir Daha Bir Daha Tu her hebî ak parti – Sen Hep Varol Ak Parti Carek dî Carek dî – Bir Daha Bir Daha Dîsa dîsa ak partî – Tekrar Tekrar Ak Parti Adalet dozameye
Local Satellite
0 1577 0We will send our satellite to space. I believe in new Turkey. I believe in Tayyip Erdoğan.
Ak Party’s Actions : Osmaniye
0 1897 0Achievements done for Osmaniye in last 12 years : http://twitter.com/RT_Erdogan http://facebook.com/akparti http://facebook.com/RecepTayyipErdogan http://pinterest.com/akparti30mart