Conservative for US Senate. Senatorial Primaries, New Jersey. US 2014.
0 1252 0GOP Candidate, Rich Pezzullo, Senatorial Primaries, New Jersey. US 2014.
Solemn. Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014
0 1885 0GOP Candidate, Steve Daines, Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
Free advice. Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
0 1683 0Democrat Candidate, John Adams, Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
Hire the right person to do the job. Senatorial Primaries, Iowa. US 2014.
0 978 0GOP Candidate, Mark Jacobs, Senatorial Primaries, Iowa. US 2014.
Taxes. Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
0 1519 0Democrat Candidate, Neel Kashkari, Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
Nicole Richie endorsement. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1548 0Independent candidate, Marianne Williamson, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Starting the dialogue. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1411 0GOP Candidate, Vanila Singh, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Religious liberty matters. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1221 0GOP Candidate,Kirk Jorgensen, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Chris says we can do better. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1070 0GOP Candidate, Chris Mitchum, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
A different choice. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1064 0Democrat candidate,Matt Miller, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
For this district and the nation. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1316 0Democrat Candidate, David Kanuth, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Repeal. Congressional Primaries, Alabama, US 2014
0 1559 0GOP Candidate, Paul DeMarco, Congressional Primaries, Alabama. US 2014
Employment. Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1406 0Venstre’s Spot, Denmark. European Elections, 2014. Venstre (literally “left”), full name Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (English: Left, Denmark’s Liberal Party), is a conservative-liberal and agrarian political party in Denmark.
Simon Harris. European Elections, Ireland 2014.
0 1249 0Fine Gael, European Elections, Ireland 2014.
Annemarie Postma. European Elections, Netherlands 2104
0 1113 0PvdV, European Elections, Netherlands 2104
Open. Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014
0 2065 0GOP Candidate, Tom Corbett, Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014
Meet Tom. Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.
0 1387 0Democrat Candidate, Tom Wolf, Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.