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Tag "2014"

Work for you. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland US 2014.

0 1407 0

Democratic Candidate, Doug Gansler, Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

Serving others. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

0 1232 0

Democratic Candidate, Anthony G. Brown, Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

Believe. Senatorial Primaries, Colorado. US 2014.

0 1808 0

Democratic Candidate, Mark Udall, Senatorial Primaries, Colorado. US 2014.

Odds. Congressional Primaries, Virginia. US 2014

0 2239 0

Democratic Candidate, William Euille, Congressional Primaries, Virginia. US 2014

Fiscal. Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.

0 1822 0

GOP Candidate, Lindsey Graham, Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.

Proud. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maine. US 2014.

0 1415 0

Democrat Candidate, Mike Michaud, Gubernatorial Primaries, Maine. US 2014.

Primero la Paz (Peace First) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 2102 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.57) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos. Second Round. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social

Ingrid Betancourt está con la Paz (Ingrid Betancourt Stand up for Peace) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 1810 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.30) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social de Unidad

Con Paz, más salud. ( With peace, more Health-Care) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 1470 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.39) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos. Second Round. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social

Víctimas de la violencia ( Victims of Violence) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 1534 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.49) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social de Unidad Nacional), or Party of

Mujeres (Women) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 1617 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.43) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social de Unidad Nacional), or Party of

Empleos (Jobs Plan) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014.

0 2160 0

Spot del candidato del PSUN, Juan Manuel Santos, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.55) PSUN’s candidate’s spot, Juan Manuel Santos.  Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Social Party of National Unity (Spanish: Partido Social de Unidad Nacional), or Party of

Un País en el que prime la educación (A country with Education as a Top Priority) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 1099 0

Spot del candidato del CD, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.20) CD’s candidate’s spot, Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. Democratic Centre (identified electorally as Democratic Centre – Strong Hand, Big

Madres de Familias en Acción (Mothers in action) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 1140 0

Spot del candidato del CD, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.25) CD’s candidate’s spot, Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. Democratic Centre (identified electorally as Democratic Centre – Strong Hand, Big

Antioquia y el eje cafetero (Antioquia and The Colombian coffee growing axis ) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 2030 0

Spot del candidato del CD, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, para la segunda vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.30) CD’s candidate’s spot, Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Second Round. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. Democratic Centre (identified electorally as Democratic Centre – Strong

Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 2060 0

Spot del candidato del CD, Óscar Iván Zuluaga, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (1.15) CD’s candidate’s spot, Óscar Iván Zuluaga. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. Democratic Centre (identified electorally as Democratic Centre – Strong Hand, Big Heart) (Spanish: Centro Democrático

Sí hay con quien (There is an option) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 1453 0

Spot de la candidata del Partido Conservador, Marta Lucía Ramírez, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.13) Colombian Conservative Party’s candidate’s spot. Marta Lucía Ramírez. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Colombian Conservative Party (Spanish: Partido Conservador Colombiano) is a traditional

Este domingo vota por Marta Lucía (This Sunday: vote for Marta Lucia) Presidential Election. Colombia 2014

0 1392 0

Spot de la candidata del Partido Conservador, Marta Lucía Ramírez, para las elecciones presidenciales de Colombia 2014. (0.29) Colombian Conservative Party’s candidate’s spot. Marta Lucía Ramírez. Presidential Election. Colombia 2014. The Colombian Conservative Party (Spanish: Partido Conservador Colombiano) is a traditional