Hacia una nueva Europa (Towards a new Europe) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1637 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (1.19) The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.
Exige (Be demanding) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1072 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.23) The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.
Estoy muy contento (I’m quite happy) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1430 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.46) The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.
El cambio empieza en Europa (Change begins in Europe) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1302 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (1.33) The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.
Decide (Decide) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1195 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.21) The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party in Spain.
Voto por correo (Absentee balloting ) PP, Spain. European Elections 2014.
0 1160 0Spot del PP, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (1.04) PP’s Spot, Spain. European Elections. The People’s Party (Spanish: Partido Popular; known mostly by its acronym, PP ) is a Christian democratic and conservative, political party in Spain. It is one
Una vez en la vida (Once in a lifetime) PP, Spain. European Elections 2014.
0 1147 0Spot del PP, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.42) PP’s Spot, Spain. European Elections. The People’s Party (Spanish: Partido Popular; known mostly by its acronym, PP ) is a Christian democratic and conservative, political party in Spain. It is one
Lo que está en juego (The matter at stake) PP, Spain. European Elections 2014.
0 1560 0Spot del PP, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.30) PP’s Spot, Spain. European Elections. The People’s Party (Spanish: Partido Popular; known mostly by its acronym, PP ) is a Christian democratic and conservative, political party in Spain. It is one
Más Euskadi, otra Europa. (More Euskadi, Another Europe) PNV, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1359 0Spot del PNV, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.30) PNV’s program. Spain. European Elections. The Basque Nationalist Party (Basque: Euzko Alderdi Jeltzalea, EAJ; Spanish: Partido Nacionalista Vasco, PNV; French:Parti Nationaliste Basque, PNB) is a Christian democratic and
¿Sabes que te han robado 3.000 euros? (Spanish Version) (Did you know they stole 3.000 Euros from you? ICV, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 845 0Spot de ICV, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (2.13) ICV’s spot. Spain. European Election. Initiative for Catalonia Greens (Catalan: Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds, ICV; is a political party in Catalonia, Spain. It was formed as a merger of
Democracia o Troika (Democracy or Troika) ICV, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1050 0Spot de ICV, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.42) ICV’s spot. Spain. European Election. Initiative for Catalonia Greens (Catalan: Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds, ICV; is a political party in Catalonia, Spain. It was formed as a merger of
Josep Maria Terricabras. ERC, Spain.European Elections 2014
0 915 0Spot de ERC, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (1.56) ERC’s spot. Spain. European Elections. The Republican Left of Catalonia (Catalan: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, ERC) is a left-wing, Catalan pro-independence political party in the Catalonia region of Spain.
Comencem el nou pais (Let’s start a new country) ERC, Spain.European Elections 2014
0 1048 0Spot de ERC, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.30) ERC’s spot. Spain. European Elections. The Republican Left of Catalonia (Catalan: Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, ERC) is a left-wing, Catalan pro-independence political party in the Catalonia region of Spain.
Feina feta (A good Job) CiU Spain. European Elections 2014
0 1258 0Spot de CiU, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (3.09) CiU’s program. Spain. European Elections. Convergence and Union (Catalan: Convergència i Unió, CiU; IPA) was a Catalan nationalist electoral alliance in Catalonia, Spain. (Dissolved on 17 June 2015)
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen.Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1322 0Venstre’ Spot, Denmark. European Elections, 2014. Venstre (literally “left”), full name Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (English: Left, Denmark’s Liberal Party), is a conservative-liberal and agrarian political party in Denmark.
Inger Stoberg. Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1391 0Venstre’s Spot, Denmark. European Elections, 2014. Venstre (literally “left”), full name Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (English: Left, Denmark’s Liberal Party), is a conservative-liberal and agrarian political party in Denmark.
Ole Christensen. Social Democrats, Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1345 0Social Democrats Spot. Denmark. European Elections, 2014. The Social Democrats (Danish: Socialdemokraterne or Socialdemokratiet), is a social-democratic political party in Denmark.
Strong Europe. Latvia. European Elections, 2014.
0 1433 0Unity’s Spot, Latvia. European Elections, 2014. Unity (Latvian: Vienotība) registered as Latvian: Partija “VIENOTĪBA” Party “UNITY” is a liberal-conservative political party in Latvia.