Ireland Yes Campaing
0 2783 0Irish LGBT youth and parents coalition call for a Yes vote in the forthcoming marriage equality referendum. The BeLonG To lead coalition call on everyone to talk to their family and friends about why marriage equality is so important and
Project of the Century – CHP
0 2127 02015 Turkey General Elections – CHP Chairman of CHP; Kemal Kılıçdaoğlu explained all the details about “Project of the Century” on 21 May 2015.
Programa Lima
0 1717 0Programa de la candidata Lourdes Flores, del Partido Popular Cristiano, para las elecciones a la alcaldía de Lima 2010.
The NY agenda. A plan for action.
0 1901 0Programa electoral de Andrew Cuomo, Democratic Party, para las elecciones legislativas a Gobernador de New York.
Mini Programa
0 1558 0Mini programa del Swedish Social Democratic Party para las elecciones parlamentarias.
Argumentario No podemos esperar
0 1390 0Argumentario del Swedish Social Democratic Party para las elecciones parlamentarias.