Britta Thomsen . Social Democrats, Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1167 0Social Democrats Spot. Denmark. European Elections, 2014. The Social Democrats (Danish: Socialdemokraterne or Socialdemokratiet), is a social-democratic political party in Denmark.
Nosotros los ciudadanos. (We, The citizens) C’s Spain.European Elections 2014
0 1086 0Spot de C’s, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.58) C’s spot. Spain, European Elections. Ideologically, C’s describes itself as a progressive, secular, constitutionalist,European federalist and post nationalist party.
Este 25 de mayo jubílalos (This 25th of May get them retired) C’s Spain.European Elections 2014
0 1266 0Spot de C’s, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. (0.51) C’s spot. Spain, European Elections. Ideologically, C’s describes itself as a progressive, secular, constitutionalist,European federalist and post nationalist party.
The Prohibition of Headscarf Lifted
0 1358 0The prohibition of Headscarf Lifted. / They talk, Ak Party does.
Campaign Song of Ak Party “Carek Di”
0 2120 0Carek dî Carek dî – Bir Daha Bir Daha Tu her hebî ak parti – Sen Hep Varol Ak Parti Carek dî Carek dî – Bir Daha Bir Daha Dîsa dîsa ak partî – Tekrar Tekrar Ak Parti Adalet dozameye