Replay – Mitt Romney (SPAC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1109 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Chavez por Obama (Chavez for Obama) – Romney for President 2012
0 1085 0Mitt Romney’s official campaign for the latino community. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney) 2012.
Decisión Clara (Clear Decision) – Bill Clinton’s endorsement for Obama. 2012
0 1247 0Obama’s TV ad with Bill Clinton’s endorsement “Obama for America” 2012.
Romney’s Closing Argument – Barack Obama (SPAC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 967 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Can’t Afford Another Term – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1202 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Big Bird, Binders and Bayonets (RNC) – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1164 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Apology Tour – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 979 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Seen – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 985 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Challenges – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 986 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Romney Put Profits from China Ahead of Security for America – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 959 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Who Will Raise Taxes? – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 958 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Bankrupt – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1140 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Redistribution II – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 800 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
The Question – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 970 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
New Hampshire – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1034 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
We’ve Heard it All Before – Mitt Romney (RNC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1153 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Richmond Times Dispatch on Welfare Reform – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 894 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
America Deserves Better – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1745 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.