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Jóvenes de pie (Youth Standing Up) Presidential Election. Panamá 2014

0 1432 0

Spot del candidato del CD, José Domingo Arias, para las elecciones presidenciales de Panamá 2014. (0.30) Spot promoting José Domingo Arias job’s plan for young people and single mothers in Panamá. Presidential Election. Panamá 2014 Democratic Change (Cambio Democrático) is a centre-right

El productor agricola necesita más apoyos (Farmers need more support) Presidential Election. Panama 2014

0 1525 0

Spot del candidato del CD, José Domingo Arias, para las elecciones presidenciales de Panamá 2014. (0.30) Democratic Change’s spot (CD). José Domingo Arias. Presidential Election. Panamá 2014. Democratic Change (Cambio Democrático) is a centre-right political party in Panama.

Confrontando verdades, eso es democracia . Facts checking , that’s Democracy. Presidential Election. Panama 2014

0 1380 0

Spot del candidato del CD (Cambio Democrático) , José Domingo Arias, para las elecciones presidenciales de Panamá 2014. Democratic Change’s spot (CD) for José Domingo Arias. Presidential Election. Panamá 2014. Democratic Change (Cambio Democrático) is a centre-right political party in Panama.

Boca la Caja (Boca la caja, Campaign Trail) Presidential Election. Panama 2014

0 2368 0

Spot del candidato del CD, José Domingo Arias, para las elecciones presidenciales de Panamá 2014. (0.50) Democratic Change’s spot (CD). José Domingo Arias. Presidential Election. Panamá 2014. Democratic Change (Cambio Democrático) is a centre-right political party in Panama.


0 1687 0

Spot del candidato del GOP, Brian Nestade, para las elecciones al Congreso por California 2014. (0.30)

Bad hand. Gubernatorial Primaries, Wisconsin. US 2014.

0 1681 0

GOP Candidate, Scott Walker, Gubernatorial Primaries, Wisconsin. US 2014.

Let’s cut to the chase. Gubernatorial Primaries, Minnesota. US 2014.

0 1403 0

GOP Candidate, Jeff Johnson, Gubernatorial Primaries, Minnesota. US 2014.

Change. Gubernatorial Primaries, Connecticut. US 2014.

0 1821 0

GOP Candidate, John McKinney, Gubernatorial Primaries, Connecticut. US 2014.

Jeff Mikulina. Gubernatorial Primaries, Hawaii. US 2014.

0 1159 0

Democratic  Candidate, Neil Abercrombie, Gubernatorial Primaries, Hawaii. US 2014.

Lamar was right. Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.

0 1297 0

GOP Candidate, Lamar Alexander, Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.

Get out and vote. Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.

0 965 0

GOP Candidate, George Flinn, Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.

Fighting for Memphis. Congressional Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014

0 1082 0

Democrat Candidate, Steve Cohen, Congressional Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014

I pledge. Senatorial Primaries, Michigan. US 2014.

0 1649 0

GOP Candidate, Terri Lynn Lana, Senatorial Primaries, Michigan. US 2014.

On our side. Congressional Primaries, Michigan. US 2014

0 1333 0

GOP Candidate, David Trott, Congressional Primaries, Michigan. US 2014

Marine. Senatorial Primaries, Kansas. US 2014.

0 1889 0

GOP Candidate, Pat Roberts, Senatorial Primaries, Kansas. US 2014.

Next generation. Congressional Primaries, Kansas. US 2014

0 1756 0

GOP Candidate, Mike Pompeo, Congressional Primaries, Kansas. US 2014

Walking. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

0 2304 0

Democrat Candidate, Heather Mizeur, Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

Step up. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.

0 1526 0

Democratic Candidate, Anthony G. Brown, Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014