The Iowa we love.Congressional Primaries, Iowa. US 2014
0 1275 0GOP Candidate, Brad Zaun, Congressional Primaries, Iowa. US 2014
The people united. Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1015 0GOP Candidate, Tim Donnelly, Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
Crazy train. Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
0 1413 0GOP Candidate Spot , Neel Kashkari, Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
A new conversation for a New America. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1305 0Independent Candidate, Marianne Williamson, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Who is Kirk Jorgensen. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1259 0GOP Candidate, Kirk Jorgensen, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Actions speaks louder than words. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1092 0GOP Candidate, Igor Birman, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
For real.Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1851 0Democrat Candidate, Ro Khanna, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Vote for a new voice. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1393 0Democrat Candidate, David Kanuth, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Complacency. Congressional Primaries, Alabama. US 2014
0 1663 0GOP Candidate, Thomas Casson, Congressional Primaries, Alabama. US 2014
Planet. Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014
0 1924 0GOP Candidate, Tom Corbett, Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.
No doubt. Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.
0 2013 0Democrat Candidate, Tom Wolf, Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.
Break. Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014
0 1885 0Democrat Candidate, Rob McCord, Gubernatorial Primaries, Pennsylvania. US 2014.
Stood up. Gubernatorial Primaries, Idaho. US 2014.
0 1612 0GOP Candidate, Russell Fulcher, Gubernatorial Primaries, Idaho. US 2014.
Happy veterans day. Senatorial Primaries, Kentucky. US 2014
0 1186 0GOP Candidate, Mitch McConnell, Senatorial Primaries, Kentucky. US 2014.
Conservatives Principles . Senatorial Primaries, Kentucky. US 2014.
0 1333 0GOP Candidate, Matt Bevin, Senatorial Primaries, Kentucky. US 2014.
5 way test for conservatives. Gubernatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014
0 977 0GOP Candidate, David Pennington, Gubernatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014.
Backwards priorities. Senatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014.
0 1210 0GOP Candidate, Jack Kingston, Senatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014.
Movies. Senatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014
0 2277 0GOP Candidate, Tom Cotton, Senatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014.