Crisis in America. Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.
0 1257 0GOP Candidate, Joe Carr, Senatorial Primaries, Tennessee. US 2014.
Constitution, Country, Flag. Congressional Primaries, Tenesse. US 2014
0 1212 0GOP Candidate, Bob Ries, Congressional Primaries,Tennessee. US 2014
The jobs killers. Senatorial Primaries, Michigan. US 2014.
0 1147 0GOP Candidate, Terri Lynn Lana, Senatorial Primaries, Michigan. US 2014.
It’s a nerdy job. Gubernatorial Primaries, Michigan. US 2014.
0 1047 0GOP Candidate Spot ,Rick Snyder, Gubernatorial Primaries,Michigan. US 2014.
Better than Benishek. Congressional Primaries, Michigan. US 2014
0 1642 0GOP Candidate, Alan Arcand, Congressional Primaries, Michigan. US 2014
Taking out the Garbage. Congressional Primaries, Kansas. US 2014
0 1289 0GOP Candidate, Todd Tiahrt, Congressional Primaries, Kansas. US 2014
Ready. Congressional Primaries, Oklahoma. US 2014
0 1908 0GOP Candidate, Patrice Douglas, Congressional Primaries, Oklahoma. US 2014
Justice. Gubernatorial Primaries, Maryland. US 2014.
0 1766 0Democrat Candidate Spot ,Doug Gansler, Gubernatorial Primaries,Maryland. US 2014.
Why we fight. Congressional Primaries, Maryland. US 2014
0 1431 0GOP Candidate, Dan Bongino, Congressional Primaries, Maryland. US 2014
Betty’s story.Congressional Primaries, Colorado. US 2014
0 1101 0GOP Candidate, Ken Buck, Congressional Primaries, Colorado. US 2014
We believe. Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.
0 1158 0GOP Candidate, Richard Cash, Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.
Foreign policy. Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.
0 1592 0GOP Candidate, Det Bowers, Senatorial Primaries, South Carolina. US 2014.
End Obamacare. Senatorial Primaries, South Dakota. US 2014.
0 1331 0GOP Candidate, Mike Rounds, Senatorial Primaries, South Dakota. US 2014.
Priorities. Gubernatorial Primaries, New Mexico. US 2014.
0 1279 0GOP Candidate Spot ,Susana Martínez, Gubernatorial Primaries, New Mexico. US 2014.
Why I’m running. Senatorial Primaries, New Jersey. US 2014.
0 1327 0GOP Candidate, Rich Pezzullo, Senatorial Primaries, New Jersey. US 2014.
The appointed one. Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
0 1156 0GOP Candidate,Steve Daines, Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
Honor. Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
0 1476 0Democrat Candidate, John Adams, Senatorial Primaries, Montana. US 2014.
His word. Senatorial Primaries, Iowa. US 2014.
0 1604 0GOP Candidate, Mark Jacobs, Senatorial Primaries, Iowa. US 2014.