American Strength – Chris Christie
0 2168 02016 US Presidential elections Primary – America Leads PAC – Jul 9
Family Strong – Hillary Clinton
0 2594 02016 US Presidential Elections Primary – Hillary Clinton – Aug 3
A Bad Deal – StopHillary. GOP
0 2614 02016 US Presidential Elections Primary – StopHillary.GOP – Jul 22
Failed Leadership – Republican National Committee
0 2122 02016 US Presidential Elections Primary – Republican National Committee GOP – Jul 20
Ségolène Royal for the 2007 Presidential Elections
0 1921 02007 – France Presidential Elections First Round – Ségolène Royal
Nuestra Comunidad (Our Community) – Mitt Romney for President 2012
0 1775 0Romney’s campaign official TV ad for the latino community. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney) 2012.
El Candado – (The Lock) Obama for America. Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1549 0Obama’s campaign for the latino community. ” Votemos todos” (Let’s all vote) 2012. Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Salvara (Romney will save us)- Mitt Romney for President. 2012
0 1455 0Romney’s official ad for latino community about health care system. 2012
De Eso Nada – (Absolutely Not) Barack Obama – Obama For America. 2012
0 1599 0TV ad. Obama for America. 2012
Pagar La Cuenta (To Pay the Bill) – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1255 0TV Ad. Obama for America. 2012
Yo Pague (I paid) – Romney for President 2012
0 1677 0Romney’s campaign for latinos. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney)
Yo No Mas (Not Again) – Mitt Romney for President. 2012
0 1392 0Romney’s official campaign for Latino voters. 2012
Un Mensaje Especial Para La Comunidad Latina (A special message to the latino community)- Obama for America. 2012
0 1139 0Obama’s campaign for latinos. 2012
La Separacion (The Breakup)- The Republican National Committee. 2012
0 1352 0Republican National Committee’s campaign against Obama called “Breakup With Obama”. 2012
Chavez por Obama (Chavez for Obama) – Romney for President 2012
0 1109 0Mitt Romney’s official campaign for the latino community. “Juntos con Romney” (Together with Romney) 2012.