Bring. Senatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014.
0 2002 0GOP Candidate, David Perdue, Senatorial Primaries, Georgia. US 2014.
Meet Mike. Gubernatorial Primaries, Arkansa. US 2014.
0 1857 0Democrat Candidate Spot ,Mike Ross, Gubernatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014.
Washington is wrapped. Congressional Primaries, Indiana. US 2014
0 1239 0GOP Candidate, Todd Young, Congressional Primaries, Indiana. US 2014
Leadership. Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
0 1645 0GOP Candidate Spot , Neel Kashkari, Gubernatorial Primaries, California. US 2014.
Looking forward to it. Parliamentary Elections, South Africa 2014.
0 971 0DA, Helen Zille, Parliamentary Elections, South Africa 2014.
Lars Lokke Rasmussen. Denmark. European Elections 2014.
0 1270 0Venstre’s Spot, Denmark. European Elections, 2014. Venstre (literally “left”), full name Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti (English: Left, Denmark’s Liberal Party), is a conservative-liberal and agrarian political party in Denmark.
Eamon Ryan. European Election. Ireland 2014
0 1454 0Green Party Spot. European Election. Ireland 2014
Cheap vs green, European Elections, Netherlands 2014.
0 1093 0PvdV, European Elections, Netherlands 2014.
Nestade on the issues. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 2139 0GOP Candidate, Brian Nestade, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
What’s right. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 2706 0Democrat Candidate, Scott Peters, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Endorsed. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 1895 0Democrat candidate, Amanda Renteria, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
Moving Arizona forward. Gubernatorial Primaries, Arizona. US 2014.
0 2292 0Democrat Candidate, Fred DuVal, Gubernatorial Primaries, Arizona. US 2014.
Budget. Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
0 2952 0GOP Candidate,Tony Strickland, Congressional Primaries, California. US 2014
First. Congressional Primaries, Arizona . US 2014
0 1940 0Democrat Candidate, Ron Barber, Congressional Primaries, Arizona. US 2014
Honest. Gubernatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014.
0 2536 0GOP Candidate Spot , Asa Hutchinson, Gubernatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014.
Worked hard. Senatorial Primaries, Arkansas. US 2014.
0 3022 0GOP Candidate, Tom Cotton, Senatorial Primaries, Arkansas . US 2014.
Respeto en Viitoru (Civil Respect in Viitoru) Presidential Election. Romania 2014.
0 1675 0UDMR Candidate Spot, Hunor Kelemen. Presidential Election. Romania 2014