Challenges – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 999 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Romney Put Profits from China Ahead of Security for America – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 969 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
Who Will Raise Taxes? – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 971 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Bankrupt – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1157 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Redistribution II – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 812 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
The Question – Barack Obama – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 985 0Democratic Party. Barack Obama. Presidential Election 2012.
New Hampshire – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1054 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
We’ve Heard it All Before – Mitt Romney (RNC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1168 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Richmond Times Dispatch on Welfare Reform – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 909 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
America Deserves Better – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1759 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Focus – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 937 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
These Aren’t Gaffes? – Mitt Romney (RNC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 966 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Broken Healthcare Promises (Promesas de Salud Publica Rotas) – Crossroads GPS
0 1135 0Pro Romney campaign ad created by Crossroads GPS (Unofficial AD)
Juntos – (Together) Mitt Romney – Romney for president. Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1443 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
More than a Number – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 961 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Crushed by Your Policies – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 880 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
At Stake – Mitt Romney (SPAC) – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1019 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.
Highest Responsibility – Mitt Romney – Presidential Election, US 2012
0 1136 0Republican Party. Mitt Romney. Presidential Election 2012.