The incredible silent man. European Election. UK 2014
0 907 0Liberals Democrats Spot. European Election. UK 2014
Empieza a recuperar tus derechos (Restore your Rights) PSOE, Spain. European Elections 2014
0 892 0Spot del PSOE, de España, para las elecciones europeas de 2014. PSOE’s spot for the “European Elections” Spain. 2014 The Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, better known by its initials, PSOE ) is a social-democratic and federalist political party
Mark Clark. Liberals Democrats Spot. European Elections, UK 2014.
0 1158 0Liberals Democrats Spot. European Elections, UK 2014.
Seven Parties for animals on their way to Brussels. Holland, European Elections 2014
0 820 0PvdV Spot, Holland, European Elections 2014.